Monthly Archives: November 2014

Get Your Bullshit Out Of Here: The Moon Landing


In the four decades since Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, and in the time that he has people have have plenty of time to make up ridiculous theories about it. But my favorite out of all of them is that it was faked.

People who believe in  this theory say that the moon landing was faked and either staged high up in the hollywood hills or deep in Area 51. it is thought that the U.S. government staged the whole thing because at the time we were in a “space race” with russia and, being american, felt the need to win. They say that their eveidence is that in the photos the American flag appears to be waving in the wind. NASA has clearly stated serveral times that it looks this way becasue Aldril was trying to twist the flag to stick into the soil of the moon. These conspiracy theorist believe that the four people killed while testing the equipment for the moon landing  were excecuted by the Government.

In a poll taken in 1999 it was dicovered that 6% of americans believe in the moon landing and 5% dont.

In my opinion this theory is completely ridiculous and also, like many other conspiracy theories insanely disrespectful.



Get your bullshit out of here: The Chemtrail Conspiracy


Since the beginning of man kind humans have always found out a way to be scared, whether that be something real or something fake that they came up with in their head. People have always needed something to be afraid of and when they don’t they make up something to scare themselves and others shitless, Conspiracy Theories came out of this.

Conspiracy Theories can go from just all around stupid to making you sound like a complete dumb ass. There are some conspiracy Theories that say that “No man has ever walked on the moon” or that “Scientists are lying to you about the shape of the earth” or that “The Lincoln assasination was fake” you can literally choose anything ever and find dsome shread of truth or just make anything up to be scared about. Honestly its ridiculous.

I think that the most incredibly idiotic one that ive ever heard is the belief in Chemtrails. The Chemtrails conspiracy is the belief that the contrails that come out of planes are actually the government spraying us with chemicals. Heres the facts: Airplane jets are thousands of degrees hot flying miles above the earth. lines of condensation are going to form. This conspiracy theory has taken off up here in Nevada County and has turned more into a religion.